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Wood Purchasing

Healthy Living

Most people almost immediately experience a pleasant, comfortable feeling in houses made of wood. Wood is a sensual material that has a soothing effect on people and is also free of chemical emissions. 

Wood Enhances Our Wellbeing

People like wood. It has a pleasantly warm feel, it smells good and it is undeniably aesthetic. In short: wood is good for us. Like hardly any other construction material, wood and wood-based materials contribute to evoking a cosy, liveable feeling in houses, as they ensure a constant indoor climate. Wood is a natural humidity regulator: it absorbs excess moisture from the air and releases it again when the air becomes drier. 

Timber and engineered wood are especially suitable for those who suffer from allergies, as they don’t attract dust or irritate mucous membranes. SWISS KRONO OSB products are made using only completely formaldehyde-free binders, making them extremely low in emissions. Their formaldehyde concentrations are far below the legally prescribed ceilings; in fact, they even undercut the much stricter limits that various associations are calling for. 

People who live surrounded by wood have a slower heartbeat. In the long term, wood alleviates symptoms of stress, extends life expectancy and improves the ability to concentrate.