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SWISS KRONO sp. z o.o.

ul. Serbska 56, 68-200 Żary
woj. lubuskie, POLSKA

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Social activities

Friendly and modern company

SWISS KRONO as a friendly and modern company gets involved in activities for the local community. We want to participate actively and responsibly in its life. We combine honest business conduct, based on ethical principles, with the widely understood activity for the society. We operate in the areas where we see substantial social needs. We do this independently or in collaboration with provincial and local authorities, non-governmental institutions, individuals, sports organizations and businesses.

Supported areas

Most frequently, we conduct social activities in areas where we have the largest knowledge and experience, that is:

environmental protection
sport and physical activity
development of children and youth
aarts and culture
assistance in situations of natural disasters
other activities for the local community

We are convinced that our efforts in the field of corporate social responsibility are not only measurable support for people in need, but also inspiration to take interesting and valuable initiatives.
We believe that gratuitous help make our lives better.