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SWISS KRONO OSB: The high-tech alternative to particle boards

In recent years, particle boards have almost disappeared from the wood construction and DIY sectors, as the arguments speak clearly in favor of OSB. SWISS KRONO OSB are certified, high-performance, health-friendly construction boards, some of which are even food-safe. 

In order to place their products further on the market, however, various suppliers try to provide products with fantasy names such as XSB, ...SB or similar. These are particle boards, which are supposed to be cheaper and supposedly better than OSB. Apples are compared with pears here, though, for example OSB values from DIN EN 300 with particle board values measured by the manufacturers themselves.

To make it easier for you to compare OSB and particle boards, we have compared verifiable values of SWISS KRONO OSB and particle boards. The advantages of OSB are obvious.

Bending strength

Particle board manufacturers often point out the stability with regard to the secondary load-bearing direction of the OSB compared to their products. However, OSB is processed almost exclusively in the main load-bearing direction, where OSB has significantly higher technical values. The argument that it is also possible to use a few board waste pieces in a rotated manner for particle boards does not outweigh the better static values of an OSB in the main load-bearing direction.

Load-bearing capacity

SWISS KRONO OSB achieves the same load-bearing capacity with lower panel thicknesses.

Formaldehyde emission

SWISS KRONO OSB not only undercuts the requirements of the E1 guidelines, but also the strict requirements of various associations (DHV, RAL,...) of 0.03 ppm by far.

Glue content

SWISS KRONO OSB contains considerably less binding agents than particle boards. The pine resin also serves as a binding agent and makes the product much more sustainable. Only formaldehyde-free glued (PU-bound) engineered wood products may be used under metal coverings, for example, due to their better swelling and shrinkage behavior.

Sound insulation

SWISS KRONO OSB has similar sound insulation values to those of particle boards.

Fire protection

Despite the high self-weight of particle boards, its fire behavior is not significantly better.

Vapor diffusion resistance

According to table 1 of DIN 68800-2:2012-02, the sd value must be at least 1 m on the inside if the sd value is max. 0.1 m on the outside. Or inside, the sd value must be at least 2 m if the sd value outside is max. 0.3 m. According to this, a particle board is not suitable as external paneling for diffusion-open constructions. A vapor barrier must also be installed as interior paneling.