Contact us if you need information



Willisauerstrasse 37
6122 Menznau

Persona de contacto

Group Head Talent & Performance Management

Christiane Heinzmann

SWISS KRONO Contact form

Sales Team Switzerland

Data Protection and Privacy for Vendors

Privacy statement and
Information for customers





This privacy statement explains how your personal data is processed by SWISS KRONO and what rights and options you have in this regard.

It applies to all personal data either provided by you to SWISS KRONO or obtained from this data.

Information on how we use data collected by cookies or other web tracking or analytics technologies (Google Analytics and Hotjar) is explained in our Cookie Policy.



1. Who is responsible for your personal data

We at SWISS KRONO AG are responsible for all personal data that you provide to us in connection with the use of our customer portal and as part of our business relationship.



2. Categories of personal data collected by us

We collect and process personal data that falls under the following categories in particular:

  • Contact information such as your full name, business address, business telephone number, business mobile number, business fax number and business email address, customer history, the unique identifier of your terminal device and the IP address of your computer when you use our websites and other technical data (e.g. logs) to ensure and improve the functionality and security of the customer portal;
  • Payment details such as the data required to process payments and avoid cases of fraud, including credit/debit card numbers, security codes and other billing information;
  • Financial data (balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement) such as information on creditworthiness, credit amount, payment reminders and debt collection;
  • Additional business information that is necessarily processed in a customer relationship with SWISS KRONO (e.g. information in connection with invoicing, customer service, assistance with technical matters and the enforcement of contractual claims) or is voluntarily provided by you, such as orders placed, purchases, services and other business transactions, feedback on products and other information that you provide to us.;
  • Information obtained from public sources secure databases and credit rating companies to the extent permitted; and
  • If legally required for compliance purposes: Information on relevant and significant legal disputes or other litigation in which you or any person related to you is involved and the interaction with you that may be relevant to cartel-related matters.



3. What we use your personal data for

We will only use your personal data for the following purposes (the “permitted purposes”):

  • For the planning, execution, management, and administration of your contractual relationship (or the contractual relationship of a third party with whom you are associated) with the SWISS KRONO Group – including, for example, executing transactions and orders for products or services; processing payment transactions; carrying out accounting, auditing, billing and debt collection activities; arranging shipments and deliveries; facilitating repairs and providing supporting services; or providing you with other services or things you may have requested;
  • For maintaining and safeguarding the security of our products, services and websites, or other systems that prevent and detect security risks, cases of fraud or other criminal or malicious acts;
  • For ensuring compliance with legal obligations (including accounting obligations), compliance audits and record-keeping obligations (for example, within the scope of competitions laws, export laws, trade sanctions and embargo laws, or preventing white-collar crime or money laundering); this may include reconciling your contact details or other identity-related information provided to us with applicable lists of sanctioned parties and contacting you to verify your identity in the event of a match in this process, or recording an interaction with you that may be relevant for cartel-related matters;
  • For contacting you as part of an existing business relationship – insofar as this is permitted in accordance with local law – to respond to enquiries or assert their rights, to inform you about SWISS KRONO products or services that are similar or related to the products and services you have already purchased or used within the scope of this business relationship;
  • For settling disputes, enforcing our contractual agreements, and establishing, asserting or defending legal claims;
  • Ensuring compliance with legal obligations – for example, storing sales documentation for tax purposes or sending legally required notices and other announcements;
  • Other purposes, e.g. in the context of internal processes and administration (such as the management of master data, accounting and data archiving and the testing, management and ongoing improvement of IT infrastructure) or for training and quality assurance purposes.

Your personal data may also be used for the following purposes insofar as you have provided your express consent:

  • Communicating with you via the channels you have approved in order to keep you up to date with the latest announcements, special offers and other information about products, technologies and services from SWISS KRONO (including marketing newsletters), in addition to SWISS KRONO events and projects;
  • Managing and carrying out customer surveys, marketing campaigns, market analyses, competitions or other promotional activities or events
  • Gathering information about your preferences to create a user profile designed to improve the overall quality of our communication and interaction with you and make it more personal (for example, through newsletter tracking or website analysis).

With respect to marketing-related communications (such as emails, telephone calls or newsletter), we will only provide this information to you – as required by law – if you have expressly consented to such communication. We will give you the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time with future effect if you do not wish to receive any further marketing-related communications from us.

We will not use your personal data to make automated decisions that affect you or to create profiles other than those described above.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is set out in Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDR) as well as in Article 6 and Article 31 new Data Protection Act (nDPA).

Depending on which of the above purposes we use your personal data for, the processing is necessary either for the initiation or performance of a contract or other commercial agreement with SWISS KRONO or to comply with our legal obligations or to pursue our legitimate interests; always provided that your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not take precedence over these interests.

Furthermore, this data may also be processed based on your consent, provided that you have expressly provided us with this.



4. How we gather and use your personal data

We will normally collect your personal data directly from you as part of our interaction – for example, when you visit our website, communicate with us regarding our products and services, place an order, subscribe to our newsletter, or participate in our customer surveys or you register on our customer portal and use it.

SWISS KRONO processes business-related data (including master data and transaction-related data) that you share with us as part of your business relationship in the SAP S/4 Hanna Backend. If you use our SWISS KRONO customer portal, your personal data, in particular first and last name, postal address, mobile phone number, credit and financial data, is duplicated via interface between SAP S/4 Hanna Backend and SAP Customer Data Cloud and into SAP S/4 Hanna Backend for order processing.

We do not receive personal data from third parties unless these are absolutely necessary to execute the contractual relationship with us.



5. Where personal data is processed

SWISS KRONO is a globally active company. As part of our business activities, we may also need to forward your personal data to recipients in countries outside of the European Economic Area (“third countries”), where the data is not protected to the same extent by law as under the laws in your home country.

If it is necessary for us to do so, we will comply with applicable data protection requirements and take appropriate security measures to ensure that your personal data is protected and secure, in particular through the agreement of EU standard contractual clauses, which can be viewed here.

For personal data processed via the customer portal (SAP Customer Data Cloud), the data storage location is in Frankfurt (Germany). Personal data that we process in the SAP S/4 Hanna backend is stored in Zary (Poland), on SWISS KRONO servers.

If you would like further information about these safety measures, you can contact us at any time using the details provided below.



6. How we protect your personal data

We ensure our physical, electronic and procedural security measures comply with recognised technological and legal privacy requirements in order to protect your personal data.

These security measures include the introduction of specific technologies and processes, such as secure servers, firewalls and SSL encryption, which are designed to protect your privacy. We will always strictly adhere to the applicable laws and regulations governing the confidentiality and security of personal data.



7. Who we share your personal data with

We may share your personal data as follows:

  • With our associated companies within the SWISS KRONO Group around the world, if and to the extent to which this is required and legally permissible for the “permitted purposes”. In such cases, the companies will use the personal data for the same purposes and under the same conditions as those defined in this privacy statement. For a list of companies associated with the SWISS KRONO Group along with their contact details, please click here.
  • Furthermore, we may – for the purposes of processing personal data for the “permitted purposes” on our own behalf and solely on our own instructions – commission service providers (known as contract data processors) who are part of the SWISS KRONO Group or external providers based in Germany or abroad. SWISS KRONO retains control of your personal data and remains entirely responsible for it, taking the appropriate security measures required by applicable law to protect your personal data whenever such service providers are commissioned.
  • With courts, law enforcement agencies, regulators or lawyers if this is legally permissible and necessary for the performance of a legal obligation or the establishment, exercise or defence of claims,
  • With credit reference agencies and other companies in the context of making credit decisions to avoid cases of fraud and for the purposes of debt collection.

In all other cases, we will only disclose your personal data at your request or if you grant us permission in the event that we are required to do so under applicable law or regulations, or by any judicial or regulatory order, or if we suspect fraudulent activity or a criminal offence.



8. Retention period for personal data

We will retain your personal data for as long as it is required for the purposes of providing the services, products or information that you have requested, and for managing your business relationship with us.

If you have asked us not to contact you, we will retain this information until your request has been processed.

Furthermore, we are obliged to retain certain personal data for a certain period of time (in connection with business transactions, for example) under the applicable law.

If your personal data is no longer required for these purposes, it will be securely deleted or anonymised as a matter of principle and as quickly as technically possible.




Subject to certain legal conditions, you may request access to your personal data or request that it be rectified, deleted or restricted in terms of how it is processed.

You may also object to your data being processed or even request that it be transferred.

More specifically, you are entitled to request a copy of the personal data we hold in your name. If, however, you make this request several times, we may ask for a reasonable fee.

Details of your privacy rights can be found in Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR and in Article 25 to 29 nDPA. As we are keen to ensure that your personal data is accurate and up to date, you may also ask us to correct or remove any information that you believe is incorrect.

If you have consented to your personal data being processed, you may still revoke your consent at any time with future effect, i.e. the revocation of consent has no bearing on the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent provided prior to this revocation.

In the event that consent is revoked, we may only process the personal data if there is another legal reason for doing so.

If you would like to assert one of the aforementioned rights, please send us a description of your affected personal data including your name, customer number (or other SWISS KRONO identification number) and your date of birth as proof of your identity using the contact details provided below.

We may require an additional proof of identity (in the form of a certified copy of your passport or national identity card) to protect your personal data from unauthorised access.

We will consider your request carefully and potentially even contact you to discuss how best to fulfil it.

If you have any concerns or complaints with regard to how we handle your personal data, please contact us using the details provided below to allow us to investigate the matter further.

If you are not satisfied with our response, or believe that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with applicable law, you are entitled to file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in your country.

A list of the authorities in the EEA can be found here and the authority for the United Kingdom (UK) here.

The relevant supervisory authority for us is as follows:

Office of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner FDPIC

Mr Adrian Lobsiger

Feldeggweg 1

3003 Berne, Switzerland

Telephone: +41 (0) 58 462 43 95 (Monday to Friday, 10.00 to 12.00 am)

Fax: +41 58 462 99 96




10. Obligation to provide personal data

You essentially provide us with your personal data on a voluntary basis. Generally speaking, there will be no adverse consequences for you if you do not consent or provide any personal data.

There are, however, some cases in which SWISS KRONO cannot act without certain aspects of your personal data – for example, if this personal data is required to process your orders, allow you to access an online quote (e.g. Customer Portal) or newsletter, or perform a legally required compliance check.

In such cases, SWISS KRONO will regrettably not be able to comply with your request without the essential personal data.



11. Analysis-Tools


The SWISS KRONO customer portal uses the functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics, which tracks and reports the number of visitors to the portal (traffic). The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". These are text files that are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by cookies about your use of this website is usually transferred to Google's server in the USA and stored there.

The Google Analytics cookies are only set with your consent in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 letter a GDPR. Your consent to the storage of Google Analytics cookies can be revoked at any time in the section "Manage cookies".

In addition to Google Analytics, we use Hotjar from Hotjar Limited (Dragonara business centre, 5th floor, Dragonara road, Paceville St. Jullian's, STJ3141, Malta), which statistically analyses visitor data. We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and to optimise the offering and experience on the SWISS KRONO customer portal. Hotjar's technology gives us a better understanding of our users' experiences (e.g. how much time users spend on which pages, which links they click on, what they like and dislike, etc.) and helps us to tailor our offering to our users' feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect information about our users' behaviour and their devices, including device IP address (collected and stored anonymously during your use of the website), screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser used, location (country only), preferred language for viewing our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymised user profile. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling the data collected on our behalf.

Hotjar Analytics cookies are only processed with your consent in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 letter a GDPR. Your consent to the storage of Hotjar Analytics cookies can be revoked at any time in the section "Manage cookies".



12. Changes to this statement

This privacy statement was last updated in June 2022.

We may amend or update the statement from time to time to reflect changes in the way we use your personal data or to reflect changes in the legal requirements.

We therefore recommend that you re-examine its contents every once in a while.

Changes to the privacy statement shall apply from the date on which they are published on our website.



13. How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments, or would like to assert your rights, please contact:



Willisauerstrasse 37

6122 Menznau, Switzerland


For enquiries concerning the deletion of your personal data, its correction or a request for information concerning the SWISS KRONO customer portal, please contact us at the following address.


In all other cases, please contact the following address.