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SWISS KRONO sp. z o.o.

ul. Serbska 56, 68-200 Żary
woj. lubuskie, POLSKA

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Sales Team Poland


With what and how to clean floor panels?

The surface of the floor panels can be wiped with a damp cloth (necessarily well squeezed, not wet) or with a flat mop with a laminate panel care product. We recommend using a liquid for washing laminate floors, which is available from KRONOPOL. Panels can also be washed with water alone, without using specialized chemicals. Do not pour water over the panels, use agents containing waxes or oils, use steam, cleaning pastes and powders, strong solvents and concentrated detergents. Only in the case of water resistant AQUA ZERO 72h laminate panels is it permissible to use a steam mop for domestic use and wet cleaning. When doing so, prevent water from getting under the panels through expansion joints around the walls.